LoDA Resource Center


Site Name 

Kingston LoDA (Library of Digital Assets)

Site URL



Why a DAM? 

Kingston Technology seeks to provide its workforce with a digital asset management system (“DAM”) to manage large quantities of digital assets in a single and centralized digital asset library. This will increase the efficiency, productivity and visibility of digital assets and projects for all relevant Kingston Technology employees.

Kingston Technology will utilize the DAM to simplify the digital assets lifecycle. Kingston Technology is in need of a system that will make digital assets easy to store, view, and share across multiple teams and users. The system will be used regularly by employees to search and retrieve digital assets that reside in the centralized digital asset library.

Having a DAM at Kingston Technology will help with digital file management and organization which will prevent errors and save time for every employee so that the company can continue innovating without having to worry about asset location.

As Kingston Technology continues to grow, a DAM is needed to leverage the large amounts of digital content that gets created continuously.

Statement of Purpose and Vision

The purpose and vision of Kingston Technology’s Library of Digital Assets (LoDA) is defined by the Librarians. LoDA exists for all regions to efficiently locate and share assets internally and externally. The vision of LoDA is to store and share assets globally, create a primary location for all existing digital assets, and prevent duplicate assets.

LoDA Collective Stakeholders


The digital asset librarians are responsible for understanding the needs of LoDA users. They will create new accounts for users, train, assign permissions, and provide assistance as needed.

Managers and Regional Representatives

Managers and Regional Representatives have the ability to upload, download, edit, share, delete, and organize assets.


Contributors can upload, download, edit, share, and organize assets.

Registered Users

Registered Users and Project Managers can share and download assets. 

Asset Maintenance

Digital assets that will be used for marketing purposes will be maintained in the Library of Digital Assets. 

File Naming Conventions

Users can access the file naming guidelines on LoDA. 

Licensing Management

All digital assets created by Kingston Technology are the property of Kingston Technology. Digital assets that are purchased by Kingston Technology have varying licenses. Specific details of each stock image are maintained on the asset in LoDA.  

End of Life (EoL) assets are assigned an expiration date. Before the expiration date the EoL assets are viewable and available for download. Once the expiration date arrives, only content creators can view the assets and must get permission to download those assets. 


The asset must be checked for proper file naming standards and metadata to be made public. Depending on the asset content, it may require a description (for example if the asset contains a photo of anyone under contract). 

 Assets dependent on a timeline will need to go through a review and approval process.

Version Control

Kingston LoDA does not allow registered users to view older versions of an asset. Only administrators and contributors can view previous versions.


Metadata Types & Metadata Fields

Different types of digital assets will require different categories of metadata. Standards for metadata will live in the LoDA Resource Center.

Internal Process Workflows


The official process for requesting access to LoDA for new users lives in the LoDA Resource Center, specifically on the Frequently Asked Questions page. New users will go through an onboarding process. Access to assets will be determined by the user’s expected usage. Users that are not active after a predetermined time frame will have their account reviewed and potentially disabled.


Initial uploads will follow the default process as prescribed in the LoDA Guide. 

Other tools for uploading include Cortex Tools, Clementine, and Lightroom. Access to these tools will need to be requested by the user. 

Metadata Tagging

The uploader is responsible for adding metadata on a new asset. Librarians are responsible for reviewing and maintaining metadata.

The controlled vocabulary of tags is controlled and maintained by the Librarians. Content Creators can add values or new metadata, but they will be reviewed for consistency and accuracy by the librarians.

Definitions and Schedules

  • Access and training requests should be reviewed weekly. 
  • Inactive users will be reviewed annually. Librarians will send a list of inactive users to each Regional Representative for review. 
  • End of life products will be reviewed on an as needed basis. Assets will not be changed to EOL until four months after the product has been set to EOL. 
  • Assets that have not been used in 3 years will be moved to cold storage. 
  • Review metadata purpose will be reviewed every two weeks. 

Reporting and Analytics (auditing)

Only librarians have access to run reports and analytics. On an annual basis, the librarians will run reports to review download analytics and improve search and upload efficiency.